Flat Tummy Tea
The various ingredients in our tea work together to detoxify and slim down your body. This formula promotes the body's metabolism and detoxification, reduces constipation, lowers blood sugar and blood lipids, etc., thus helping to promote physical health and slimming effects.
Our unique formula has the effect of detoxifying the body and slimming down, consequently giving you a flat tummy.
The following are the benefits of our tea:
1. Weight loss
2. Burn calories
3. Boost metabolism
4. Cleanse body
5. Suppress appetite
6. Increase energy levels Most of users loss weight about 5-10 pounds for the first month.
The following are the ingredients and their effects:
1. Lotus leaf: Helps the body discharge excess water and waste, and promote the body's metabolism and detoxification.
2. Cassia seed: Helps promote the body’s metabolism and detoxification, and reduces constipation problems.
3. Moringa seeds: Helps reduce free radicals and toxins in the body, and promote the body’s detoxification and metabolism.
4. Mulberry leaves: Helps the body discharge excess water and waste, and promote the body's metabolism and detoxification.
5. Green tea: Helps reduce free radicals and toxins in the body and promote detoxification and metabolism of the body.